
Monday, November 28, 2022

Editor Urges Residents to Take Train to Raleigh on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 30, 1922

Friday’s Special Train

As was announced yesterday, a special train is to be operated by the Norfolk Southern Railroad from New Bern to Raleigh on account of the high school championship game to take place in that city on Friday.

Paul Mengel made the remark the other day that the New Bern football team was giving this city more advertising of late than any other agency. The statement was a true one. Every town in North Carolina will eagerly await the outcome of Friday’s contest and the name of New Bern will be on thousands of tongues.

We owe it to the team to send a good crowd of supporters to Raleigh on the special train on Friday. We owe it to the team to give them every assistance in the final struggle for the Eastern championship. Let’s crowd that train to its capacity limit and show the boys that we are solidly behind them and that we appreciate their splendid efforts during the past season.

From the editorial page of the New Bern Sun Journal, Nov. 28, 1922, Carl Goerch, editor.

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