
Sunday, November 27, 2022

Fire in Lutz' Coal Receptacle Quickly Extinguished, Nov. 27, 1922

Fire Causes Scare in Upstairs Room

Fire which apparently started in a wooden box used as a coal receptacle in the room of Mr. Albert Lutz over the Lutz Drug store created uneasiness about 11 o’clock today before the firemen discovered it and put out the blaze. The damage was small.

A high wind would have caused the fire, had it attained any headway, difficult to handle, but fortunately this tiny blaze was discovered in time. Drs. T.C. Blackburn and R.H. Rowe, who have offices over the drug store, discovered the smoke about the same time and investigated. It was found that the fire had burned through the wall into the hall. It was burning slowly and the firemen, using both chemicals and water, soon had it out.

The wooden box which contained coal and paper was thrown out the window. The papers were on fire.

Water leaked through the floor to the rear end of the drug store, but the damage was small.

From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, Monday, Nov. 27, 1922

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