
Friday, November 25, 2022

Funeral Services for "Uncle Sam" Thomas, Nov. 25, 1922

Funeral Services for “Uncle Sam” Thomas

The funeral service for “Uncle Sam” Thomas, who passed away early Thursday morning, was conducted from Burkhead Methodist church, of which the deceased was a charter member, at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon by the pastor, Rev. J.S. Hiatt, assisted by Rev. E.E. Williamson and Rev. L.G. Luckenbach. There was a large attendance of relatives and sympathizing friends. The beautiful floral offerings attested the high esteem in which the deceased was held.

Rev. J.S. Hyatt paid a beautiful but deserved tribute to the life of this good man, declaring that so far as known, he lived and died without knowing the meaning of enmity. He had no enemies—everybody who knew him loved “Uncle Sam.” He lived the simple life—the kind that was an inspiration to those hwo came in contact with him.

The choir sang beautifully and tenderly Uncle Sam’s favorite hymn, “Abide With Me.” Selections were also rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Stith and a quartette composed of Messrs. A.B. Newsom, J.M. Ketchie, J.M. and P.H. Futrell.

Following the service at the church, the remains were conveyed to the Salem cemetery where they were laid to rest in the family plot, beside the wife who died five years ago.

Mr. Thomas is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Burton Byerly, with whom he had lived since the death of his wife, and five grand children.

From page 12 of the Twin City Sentinel, Winston-Salem, N.C., Nov. 25, 1922

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