
Friday, November 18, 2022

George F. Wilson, a High Point Leading Businessman, Nov. 18, 1922

High Point Builders. . . George F. Wilson

On March 15, 1898, George F. Wilson, at that time still in his minority, came to High Point seeking to make his way in the world. Today Mr. Wilson is one of High Point’s leading business men, being the sole owner of the Wilson Motor company, the authorized Ford agency here, and also being connected with other business concerns.

During the first six years of his stay Mr. Wilson worked in various furniture factories in a mechanical capacity. Then he went into machinery work and established the Southern Machine works here. In 1910 he sold out his interest in the machine works and accepted the Ford agency for this territory. For two years previous to this he had dealt in second hand automobiles in connection with his machine works business.

It was through the Wilson Motor company that the first Fords to be sold in Randolph and Davidson counties were handled.

Mr. Wilson has built up around him a capable and efficient business organization and has developed an establishment that is a credit to any city. The Wilson Motor company sells annually 800 Ford automobiles and does a business each year of over $700,000.

Besides being owner of the Wilson Motor company, Mr. Wilson is owner of the Randleman Motor company, Randleman, being authorized Ford agency for that district. He is the owner of all the stock in the People’s Motor Car company, incorporated, and is secretary and treasurer of the firm. This concern is the owner of the building occupied by the Wilson Motor company. Mr. Wilson is also a stockholder in other business concerns.

This man is a member of the local Kiwanis club, the chamber of commerce, Commercial club, the Elks’ club and a director of the Merchants’ association. He is also a member of the Jr. O.U.A.M. Mr. Wilson came here from Charlotte, but he is a native of Montgomery county. He was graduated in the graded schools of that county.

From the front page of The High Point Enterprise, Nov. 18, 1922. $700,000 in 1922 would be the equivalent of more than $12 million today.

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