
Saturday, November 19, 2022

Governor Paroles Jim Petty So He Can Help His Mother, Nov. 19, 1922

Governor Paroles Jim Petty, Mecklenburg Man

Raleigh, Nov. 18—Governor Morrison today extended the parole of Robert Fenner for 30 days from next Monday. He was paroled a week to attend the funeral of his father, and his time was extended 30 days further on account of the recommendation of the family physician that this be done for his mother’s benefit. The prisoner was sent up from Wilson to serve 2 ½ years for conspiracy.

Governor Morrison paroled for the rest of his term, one Jim Petty, of Mecklenburg, serving 12 months for an assault with a deadly weapon.

From the front page of the Charlotte Observer, Sunday, Nov. 19, 1922

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