
Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Peaceful Halloween Crowd, Says Blackwelder, Nov. 1, 1922

No Complaints of Celebration

L.W. Blackwelder, chief of police, said this morning that he wishes to thank the people of the city for the orderly way in which they celebrated Halloween last night. The police chief said not a single complaint of damaged property had been made.

Although the streets were crowded and an air of disregard of ordinary conventions was evident, not a single instance of law-breaking has been reported in connection with the celebration last night. Chief Blackwelder is very much pleased with the manner in which the gay throngs conducted themselves.

The police department was handicapped by the absence from duty of Officers French and Stamey, night policemen. Officer French is seriously ill at his home on English Street and Officer Stamey is off duty on account of sickness in his family. However, with these two patrolmen off duty, the remaining force took care of the situation admirably.

From the front page of The High Point Enterprise, Nov. 1, 1922

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