
Monday, November 21, 2022

Rev. C.K. Proctor Appointed to Queen Street Methodist Church, Nov. 21, 1922

New Pastor of Queen Street Church Is Capable Minister. . . Rev. Mr. Proctor Has Served Congregations in Two States—Native of Tarheelia—Educated at Several Colleges

In the appointment by the North Carolina Methodist Conference of Rev. C.K. Proctor to the pastorate of Queen Street Methodist Church here this progressive congregation has been fortunate. Mr. Proctor is a native North Carolinian, having been reared in Durham County. He graduated from Trinity College in 1908, and later took up post-graduate work at Vanderbilt University, Union Theological Seminary, New York City, and Columbia University. Mr. Proctor has successfully served pulpits in Oklahoma and at Selma and at the Central Methodist Church, Raleigh. He is a Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner. The new pastor is married and has two children, a pair of boys, aged respectively nine and two years, and is blessed with a splendid helpmeet in his wife, who was Miss Mattie Culpepper of Wilson, and a graduate of Meredith College.

In a letter to an official of Queen Street Church, E.H. Moser, prominent churchman of Raleigh, has the following to say of the Rev. Mr. Proctor:

“I have noticed the appointment in the paper of Rev. C.K. Proctor to Queen Street Methodist Church of your city. You have, in my opinion, one of the ablest, most fearless and all-round best preachers of the conference. Mr. Proctor is a mixer, a leader, a good organizer, a student of human nature and affairs. With him as your pastor, the good work in Kinston ought to move forward rapidly. Your congregation should be congratulated. You are fortunate.”

Rev. Mr. Proctor will shortly assume his duties in Kinston, and will succeed Rev. Charles L. Read, who has just concluded a successful pastorate here, and who will shortly assume his new duties as pastor of a Goldsboro church.

From the front page of The Daily Free Press, Kinston, N.C., Nov. 21, 1922

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