
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Severed Head of Turtle Continued Snapping, Nov. 2, 1922

Severed Head of Turtle Proved to be Alive

That the tail will wiggle until sundown after a snake has been killed is an old story, but the fact that a turtle head is dangerous from a biting standpoint after it has been severed from its body is considered news.

Wade Lewis, well known trapper of Raleigh, caught a 20-pound turtle while fishing near Raleigh a few days ago. He killed the turtle at his home and threw the head in the yard. A puppy spied the bloody meat and started after it. As he began to sniff at the turtle head he gave a yelp of pain. Investigation showed that the head had clamped down on his nose and it was necessary to pry the jaws open to release it. After the head had been pried loose from the dog, it snapped a stick that was poked at the head.

The incident was witnessed by a number of Lewis’ neighbors, including the proprietor of a Raleigh newspaper.

From the front page of The Union Republican, Winston-Salem, N.C., Thursday, Nov. 2, 1922

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