
Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Thanksgiving Day Services at St. Mathews Church Postponed, Nov. 29, 1922

Rev. R.L. Brown Been Sick

Since we last met in Mocksville, Rev. Brown has had several severe spells of sickness; and for the last month he has been in the bed most of the time; but at this writing is able to be on a chair, and wishes to state through The Davie Record to his many friends in Mocksville and around St. Mathews church tha the unusual Thanksgiving services formerly held here on Thanksgiving day in November will not be celebrated here this year on that day; but is postponed to a later day as the Lord may provide. We regret very much our inability to meet our many friends here at that time; but hope to be able to do so at some more pleasant season in the near future. –Rev. R.L. Brown.

From the front page of The Davie Record, Mocksville, N.C., Nov. 29, 1922

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