
Monday, November 28, 2022

Tobacco Growers to Settle Issues Dec. 6, 1922

Tobacco Growers to Meet. . . Meeting Be Held Dec. 6th. . . Kirkpatrick Receives a Letter From M.O. Wilson, Arranging a Meeting Here. . . Is Important One. . . Cash Payments and Other Matters Are to Be Brought Up for Discussion

A series of county meetings of the tobacco and cotton associations of Eastern North Carolina are being arranged, the purpose of these meetings being to present facts concerning the second cash advance, the sales of the association and other particulars of interest to all members.

The meeting for farmers of Craven county will be held at the court house on Wednesday, December 6, at 11 a.m.

C.C. Kirkpatrick, secretary of the Craven County Agricultural Committee, is in receipt of a letter from M.O. Wilson, secretary of the North Carolina Tobacco Growers’ Co-operative Association, in which the plans for meetings are outlined.

The letter being sent out to members in this section is as follows:

Nov. 27th, 1922

My Dear Fellow Member:

Your attention is called to a meeting of the members of the Tobacco Growers Co-operative Association of your county in the Court House at New Bern, Wednesday, December 6, at 11 a.m.

Your director and Mr. R.J. Works will be present to give you the facts about the second cash advance to be distributed before Christmas, about that progress, the operations, the sales of our Association; and to furnish you with all other available information about it that you may desire.

The Association is yours. Its success depends upon the loyal support and active aid of every member. Every member’s personal interest is affected by everything that affects the interest of his Association, organized and operated to serve his interest and that of every other member. Therefore, it is the duty of every member to himself and to every other member to attend the meetings, to participate in all of its activities, to contribute his part in advice, work and in every other way to its success and progress.

Come to this meeting and let us have a heart-to-heart talk, taking counsel together about our difficulties, our problems, our future plans and everything affecting the present and the future welfare of our association.

From the front page of the New Bern Sun Journal, Nov. 28, 1922

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