
Sunday, November 27, 2022

Walter Hawn of Hickory Rich in the Ways That Matter, Nov. 27, 1922

“You folks in town,” said Walter Hawn, as he propped is feet in front of a good fire at his home six miles south of Hickory Saturday night, “no doubt have more money than we fellows in the country, but I doubt if you get more pleasure out of life.”

Mr. Hawn has some large hogs fattening, a stable full of cows, a granary filled with corn, two automobiles, a good farm and a happy home. He expected to be coming to Hickory and joshing his friends for many, many years, and says he does not intend to rush his life away. That’s what we call the proper philosophy.

From the editorial page of The Hickory Daily Record, Monday, Nov. 27, 1922

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