
Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Why Fuss Over Harvey's Remark That Women Don't Have Souls? Men Don't Either, Says Pearson, Nov. 1, 1922

The Feminine “Soul”

Our Mister George Harvey, who functionates officially at the Court of Saint Jim, has got the religious world by the ear and making it turkey-trot all over the place. In a recent speech before the Author’s Club in London, Harvey raises the question as to whether women have “souls.” And nobody seems able to answer.

Great problem!

Awful stunner!

Mighty hard question!


But, sakes alive, how easy it would be if they would only exercise a little common sense. If they could ony get it through their terra-cotta noggins that men haven’t got any “souls” either. But that solution of the problem is so simple that they have never thought of it. The swell-headed scions of Spookology prefer to dabble in mysterious and foolish guesses abut impossible theories. Instead of coming right out and facing the plain facts.

From the front page of The Fool-Killer, Boomer, N.C., November 1922, James Larkin Pearson, editor.

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