
Tuesday, November 29, 2022

W.M. Hedren Says Men Who Don't Believe in Constitution Should be Defeated, Nov. 29, 1922

And Such Men Are Elected to Rule

Attorney W.M. Hendren, of this city, delivered an address to the Civitan Club a few nights ago. Amonth other things he said: In last Tuesday’s elections 53 men were nominees for Congress, who, when asked, declared tha they did not believe in the Constitution of the United States. Nine of this number were Republicans, 19 Democrats, and the rest were Socialists, and non descript policies.

Why are such men nominated by any political party, and if they are, should be defeated in every case. The safety of the United States rests upon the Constitution as a nation. Those who do not respect it and what it teaches, should have no place in its government. –Union Republican

From the Union Republican, as reprinted on the front page of The Davie Record, Mocksville, N.C., Nov. 29, 1922

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