
Monday, December 26, 2022

6 Drunks, 4 Gamblers, 1 Who Assaulted a Woman, None Named in Salisbury Paper, Dec. 26, 1922

Six Drunks Featured After Holiday Court

The day after Christmas court was a rather small one in comparison to former years. There were 11 defendants whose names were inscribed on the docket but six of these were just plain drunks, four had been engaged in a little game of chance and one had assaulted a woman.

The six drunks paid $5 each and costs, two of the gamesters were taxed $5 each and costs, two were allowed to go in payment of their part of the costs, and the man charged with assault was taxed with the costs.

From the front page of the Salisbury Evening Post, Tuesday, Dec. 26, 1922

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