
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Asheville City Judge R.M. Wells to Step Down, Dec. 20, 1922

Asheville Judge Gives Up City Court. . . R.M. Wells to Devote His Entire Time to Practice of Law

Asheville, N.C., Dec. 19—R.M. Wells, judge of the municipal court, will tender his resignation tomorrow to the city commissioners, according to an announcement by him today.

A few weeks ago it was known that Judge Wells was considering resigning from the bench in order to devote his entire time to the practice of law and since that time J. Scroop Styles (former candidate for democratic nomination for congress) and Clinton Hughes, former candidate for solicitor of the nineteenth judicial district, has been most prominently mentioned among the list of probable appointees by the board of commissioners.

Judge Wells states that since his law partner E. Swain will soon take up his duties as solicitor for this district, one member of the firm must be able to represent their clients.

From the front page of The New Bernian, Dec. 20, 1922

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