
Friday, December 30, 2022

Confederate Surgeon Dr. I.A. Harris Has Died, Dec. 29, 1922

Former Confederate Surgeon Is Dead

Asheville, N.C., Dec. 29—Dr. I.A. Harris, who was a surgeon in the Confederate army, died at his home at Jupiter this morning, following a stroke of paralysis suffered Thursday night. He was in his 86th year.

Dr. Harris saw service throughout the war between the states, and at the close of the war took up the practice of his profession at Jupiter, a mountainous section, and rode hard and fast day and night to relieve suffering. For 60 years he was a member of the Blackmere Masonic lodge at Weaverville and for the past 12 years, since its formation, had been president of the Farmers and Traders bank at Weaverville.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, Dec. 30, 1922

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