
Friday, December 23, 2022

Donate Food, Clothing to Needy in Littleton, Dec. 23, 1922

Mrs. Justis to Receive Food and Clothing for Local Families in Need

Need stalks in some homes in this community at Christmas time.

Every table will not be laden with the good things which betoken a stout pocketbook unless citizens remember those who are less favored in life.

There is opportunity number one: Nine children, under 10, three sets of twins, the father a cripple. This is a colored family.

There is opportunity number two: A white family. The father paralyzed for two years, two children, no means of support.

There is case number three: A father unable to work, three children, mother dead for three years.

And these are not all. If you are interested will you help carry the Christmas spirit of good cheer to their firesides? Will you send contributions of money, clothes and food to Mrs. L.H. Justis of Littleton.

From the front page of The News Reporter, Littleton, N.C., Halifax County, December 23, 1922

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