
Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Dr. Charles Grayson, a High Point Builder, Dec. 27, 1922

High Point Builders


Dr. Charles S. Grayson, local physician and member of the city council, came to High Point in 1907 to engage in the practice of medicine. Since taking up his residence here, he has become prominently identified with the people of the city and has always taken an active interest in every movement tending to make High Point a better and larger city.

Two years ago Dr. Grayson was elected a member of the city council, an office his friends declare he has filled faithfully and efficiently. As a councilman, Dr. Grayson is interested in the proposed city planning and zoning and no doubt will use his influence to have such a method in vogue in High Point as early as possible. He is also very much interested in other things on the city’s program, including a proposed incinerator for the city.

As a physician Dr. Grayson stands high among the men of the profession, he having received intensive training in many of the leading institutions of the country. His academic education was received in the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. In 1906 he graduated from George Washington University with the degree of medicine. His other courses include work in pediatric and obstetric lectures, John Hopkins hospital, 1912; pediatrics, New York Post-Graduate Hospital, 1916; pediatric lectures, Northwestern University, 1919; obstetrics, Chicago Lying-In Hospital, 1919.

Dr. Grayson is a director of the Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. and a stockholder in various other corporations. He is a Shriner, an Elk, a member of the chamber of commerce and the Commercial club.

From the front page of The High Point Enterprise, Dec. 27, 1922

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