
Saturday, December 31, 2022

Editor Experiements With Telling the Truth in Wedding Announcement, 1922

Editor Recovering Slowly From Telling the Truth

A Kansas editor announced that he would try for one week to tell the truth, and he is still in the hospital, a writer in the Farmington, Minn., Tribune, informs us. He didn’t get by the first day. The following item appeared in Monday’s issue and now the boys are getting out the paper. This is what he said:

“Married, Miss Sylvia Rhode to Mr. Hames Canaham, last Sunday evening, at the Baptist church. The bride was an ordinary town girl who didn’t know any more than a rabbit about cooking and never helped her mother three days in her life. She is not beautiful by any means and has a gait like a duck. The groom is an up-to-date has-been, a loafer living off the folks all his life, and don’t amount to shucks, and they’re going to have a hard life while they live together.”

From page 11 of The Progressive Farmer magazine, published every Saturday, March 25, 1922.

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