
Saturday, December 24, 2022

Fort Bragg Children Donate to Make New Bern Children's Christmas Brighter, Dec. 24, 1922

Bragg Children Send $25 to New Bern for Christmas

The school children of Fort Bragg at the last day of school before the Christmas holidays brought enough pennies and nickels to make $25 which will be sent to New Bern for the kiddies in that city this Christmas. The Bragg children had heard much of the suffering at the fire-devastated city, and they resolved to help out in their own small way. The pennies and nickels came in so fast, however, that it happens that the gift to New Bern is not a small one, but a rather substantial one.

From The Fayetteville Observer, Dec. 24, 1922. the Norman Rockwell illustration called "Christmas in the Heart" is from 1941 but it fits with these school children collecting pennies and nickels for children who were fire victims in New Bern.

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