
Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Fred Douglas Escaped but Leg Iron and Chain Gave Him Away, Dec. 28, 1922

Escaped Convict’s Liberty Was Only of Brief Duration

Fred Douglas, namesake of the former noted negro of that name, made his escape from chain gang No. 2, on the Lincolnton road several miles west of Salisbury, about 6 o’clock this morning, but he did not enjoy liberty long, for he was soon taken in custody and brought to jail here.

Douglas left the gang and had induced a man in a buggy to let him ride, the man not knowing he was a convict. However, he was seen by Messrs. Odell Shoaf and Will Plummer, two white men, about 2 ½ miles from the camp from which he escaped, and they suspicioned him, asked a few questions, but he denied that he was from the road camp. Then it was found that he had a chain under his pants leg and that clinched his identity, and he was taken n charge and brought to Salisbury and turned over to officers and placed in jail.

He was serving a six months’ sentence which was more than half completed. Now he will have to do about 30 days additional for leaving the camp.

From the front page of the Salisbury Evening Post, Thursday, Dec. 28, 1922

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