
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Letters to Santa, Dec. 20, 1922

Letters to Santa

She’ll Be Visiting

Dear Santa Claus:

I am a little girl 2 ½ years old. I want your to please bring me an eye doll with curley hair.

Your good little girl,

Mary Emma Stokes

New Bern, N.C.R. No. 2

P.S. I’ll be at grandma’s house Sunday night.


Billy a Good Boy

Dear Santa:

I am a good little boy and I help my mother every day. I try to help all I can and try to be very good. If it will not be too much money spent, I want a football, tent, better blocks, blackboard, football helmet and a horn and a good full stocking.

Billy Dawson

P.S. And bring a radio toy set.


A Message From Ernul

Ernul, N.C., Dec. 18

Dear Santa Claus:

Sister and I are writing you a letter together. We are two little girls and both about the same size. We want you to bring us a doll and some confectionaries. Your little friends,

Mildred and Dortha Gatlin


She Wants a Doll

Dear Santa Claus:

I am a little girl about 3 years old. Please bring me a doll baby and Teddy bear and lots of good things to eat. Please don’t forget my little sister.

Reta Helen Stubbs


John Wants a Rifle

New Bern, N.C.

Dec. 18

Dear Santa Claus:

I am a boy 11 years old. Please bring me a pump air rifle and some shot and plenty of nice things to eat.

Your little friend,

John E. Daugherty Jr.


And She Will Be Happy

Dear Santa Claus:

Please bring me a pretty doll that will say mama, also bring me a harp, some pretty ribbon for my hair, and bring me some fruit and candy. If you can do so, please bring me a little piano and I will appreciate it very much.

Your little friend,

Juanita Smith


From page 7 of The New Bernian, Dec. 20, 1922

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