
Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Mr. and Mrs. Whit Gaskins' Letter of Sympathy to New Bern, Dec. 6, 1922

Beautiful Message of Sympathy From Gaskins

Probably the most beautiful message of sympathy for New Bernians in their suffering from the great fire came to The New Bernian yesterday in a letter from Mr. and Mrs. C. Whit Gaskins, until recently of this city. The letter:

No. 75 Vermont Avenue

West Asheville, N.C.

December 4, 1922

Editor Morning New Bernian

New Bern, N.C.

Dr. Mr. Dawson:

Our hearts are going out to our beloved New Bern in the great disaster which has left such desolation in its wake. If it were in my power to restore onto those who have suffered from the fire, we would do so a hundred fold.

We can not realize that beautiful, happy New Bern of a few days ago is today gazing upon such devastation as the “city of silent chimneys” visualization to us. Be we know that the generosity and sympathy and unselfishness of that great people will establish a precedent in such catastrophes in the state.

“Our hearts, hour hopes, our prayers, our tears;

Our faith triumphant over all fears.”

And all with New Bern today and forever.

We would a thousand times that we could aid in succor and relief by our personal efforts. We would gladly suffer for our beloved people if it would in the least degree alleviate the pain and anguish and pathos of the situation. But fate had decreed otherwise, and we can only intercede with the Giver of all gifts for a special benediction upon you all.

Sincerely yours,


From The New Bernian, Dec. 6, 1922

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