
Friday, December 23, 2022

Mrs. Vander Linden To Discuss Benefits of Kindergarten, Jan. 20, 1922

Will Discuss Need Here for Kindergarten. . . Mrs. W.H. Vander Linden Will Read Paper Before Parents and Teachers; Attractive Program Outlined

Mrs. W.H. Vander Linden is preparing a paper to read on the occasion of the next meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association, Tuesday night, Feb. 7, on the need for the organization of a kindergarten department in our city schools. Mrs. Vander Linden thinks this is one of the greatest needs at the present time. “Our present educational system” she says, “is working at the top instead of at the bottom. There are so many little children who are entirely unprepared to enter the first grade in school.” It is her conviction, also, that a kindergarten would start children right and save much retardation in the first grade. “It is not only the right of children to have the best opportunity,” she said, “but it would be a real economy to give them the advantage of a kindergarten course, in that it would save a large number from repeating the first grade.” Mrs. Vander Linden is positive that a kindergarten would be well patronized by the tourists in the summer time, who would regard it as a real asset for Hendersonville. Her paper promises to be most interesting.

The program committee, under the leadership of Mrs. A.W. Farnum, is planning other interesting features, and the lunch and recreation committees, of whom Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. J.W. Williams are chairmen respectively, are already busily engaged with plans to make the program attractive.

Every parent in the city is asked to reserve the first Tuesday evening in each month n order to meet with the other parents and school teachers in a common group, that the Parent-Teacher Association in Hendersonville may grow and assume the responsible position that an organization of this nature should in every progressive, Christian community.

From the front page of the Henderson News, January 20, 1922

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