
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

News From Henderson County, Jan. 20, 1922


At the 11 o’clock service last Sabbath at the Methodist church, Rev. Holloway’s text was taken from Exodus 14:15, “Speak Unto the Children of Israel That They May Go Forward.”

Frank Burgin and his bride from South Carolina have been visiting relatives in this and the Brevard section for the past two weeks.

Roy Wright has returned from Kansas again, and is with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Wright.

J.T. Davenport and family attended the funeral of Clifford Davenport, son of the late Otis Davenport, who died a month ago. The funeral of the son was on Tuesday of this week in Asheville.

Mrs. B.M. Jones, after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Fred McDowell at Asheville, has returned home.

C.L. Dillard and family have returned to their home here, after having spent over a year at Pisgah Forest.

Mark McCall and wife of Asheville are visiting at the home of his father, W.P. McCall.

There has been quite a lot of ploughing done in this section during the fall and winter months, more than has been noticeable in several years.

Miss Lucile Warlick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Warlick, underwent an operation for appendicitis Sunday.

Miss Reed, a nurse from Roanoke, Va., has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. E.R. Bright, for the past two weeks.

Miss Belle Nichols, from Dallas, Texas, spent a few weeks recently with her mother, Mrs. Tom Nichols.

Mrs. Nan Johnson is with her daughter, Mrs. T.V. Garland, near Holly Springs school house.


Carl M. Jones, who has been ill with pneumonia, is improving nicely.

Miss Jervey Thompson, who has been spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Thompson at Flat Rock, left Monday for Charlotte where she will be attending school.


Our Sunday School at this place is progressing nicely under the management of our new superintendent, Mr. Sinclair.

Rev. Mr. Dotson preached an interesting sermon at Pleasant Hill Sunday morning from Ezekiel 33:11.

Mrs. Martha Sentell visited her daughter, Mrs. Leroy Wilkie, Monday.

Mrs. Alexander Barber is very ill with pneumonia fever.

Mrs. James Drake of Blantyre, who has been visiting her sister, has returned home.

Mrs. J.W. Brown, who has been on the sick list, is able to be out again.

Miss Sallie Drake of Hendersonville spent Sunday with her parents.

Mrs. William Fletcher of Pleasant Grove is spending a few days with her sisters, Mrs. Rachel and Mrs. Nancy Shepherd.

Miss Charlotte Drake, who has been spending the winter in Greenville, has returned home.

Oscar Orr of Kanuga Lake motored to Hendersonville Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Painter, who have been visiting friends and relatives at this place, have returned home.

Quite a number of Pleasant Hill people attended the funeral and burial of George Sentell Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Jamison of Hendersonville attended services at Pleasant Hill Sunday afternoon.


Homer Hefner had the misfortune of falling while cleaning out a well last Wednesday and broke one of his legs.

Mrs. Mingus Shipman of Greenville, S.C., spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.W. McCall.

H.G. Jackson and family of Asheville have moved to West Hendersonville.

Mrs. J.H. Beck entertained last Thursday with a birthday dinner given in honor of her husband. The delicious dinner was served to a number of friends and relatives.

Norman and Louis Reid of Flat Rock spent Sunday with Eugene Saltz.

J.L. Newman has purchased a fine Jersey cow.

The little infant of Mr. and Mrs. Singletary Sentell is very sick with pneumonia.

D.W. Jones spent Thursday in Brevard on business.


Miss Sue Livingstone of Hendersonville spent the week-end with her parents here.

George Lance has entered Fruitland Institute for the spring term of school.

Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Evans of Asheville spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Seals.

Prof. and Mrs. W.V. Cope spent Saturday in Hendersonville, and purchased a new Ford car.

J.N. Russell visiting his daughter, Mrs. W.S. Scott, in Asheville, who was sick last week.

The friends of Elisha Garren will regret to learn that he is very ill.

J.E. Long, who has been working in Spartanburg, S.C., for several months, has returned home.

W.D. Bagwell is having a handsome residence built on his farm near Good Luck.

E.A. Livingstone of Hendersonville spent Sunday at his home here.


Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Surratt and children of Hendersonville, who have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.F. Surratt, have returned home.

Miss Jervy Thompson, who have spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Thompson, returned to school at Charlotte Monday.

A number of young people from this section attended church at East Flat Rock Sunday night.

Rev. W.A. Morris of Hendersonville attended church at Oak Grove Sunday.

Ernest Hyder is very ill with pneumonia at his home on Route 1.

The singing at Refuge Sunday was well attended by people from this section.

Mr. and Mrs. Pink Thompson visited in Tuxedo Sunday.


The Crab Creek Sunday School set Sunday, January 22, for the purpose of re-organizing and electing officers for the Sunday school for the ensuing year.

A number of young folks from this vicinity have been attending the singings at Craganolia, being conducted every Saturday night by Elliott Ward.

Miss Bessie Levi of this place has accepted a position with the Whitlock Hosiery Mill.

The public school at Crab Creek will close January 20. A.G. Gibbs, who has been in charge of the school, is planning to leave this section immediately after the school closes.

Clyde Hardin of Hendersonville attended prayer meeting at Crab Creek Sunday night.


Mrs. W.F. Bradburn expects her daughter, Gena, home this week from Newberry, S.C.

Miss Louise Underwood, formerly of Hendersonville, has returned here and is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Orr. Miss Underwood left Hendersonville about eight years ago and has been in Norfolk, Va., and other northern cities during that time.

Miss Naomi Reed was the dinner guest of Louise Bain last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kuykendall of Seneca, S.C., with R.V. and Charlie Kuykendall motored to Hendersonville last Sunday visiting friends and relatives.

Miss Mary Hamilton had as her guest last Sunday Miss Ruby Hood.

Mrs. O.S. Kuykendall and little son, James, left recently for Spartanburg to spend the winter.


Mr. and Mrs. L.W. McMinn of Spartanburg spent a few days last week with relatives in this section.

A.S. Edney of this section butchered a fine hog last week which weighed 682 pounds after it was dressed.

A good singing was enjoyed by a number of Liberty and Edneyville people at W.P. Maxwell’s Sunday night.

Little William Dalton of this section has been on the sick list for several days.


There was an all-day singing at Refuge January 15. Singers from different parts of South Carolina, from Saluda and other places helped to entertain the crowd. The large number present evinced that the people enjoy good singing. Special features of the day were solos by Mr. Sloan of South Carolina, duets by Mr. and Mrs. Pace, and mixed and male quartets.

Mrs. Simpson of Asheville is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Fansler, who is ill.

Leonard Huggins and Ernest Justus spent the week-end here with the former’s parents.

A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Milas Case this week.


Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert are moving this week from the community to Mr. Johnson’s farm near Hendersonville.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner Williams visited the former’s mother Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bly Stepp visited Mrs. Stepp’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.V. McCraw, Sunday.

B.F. Gilbert and family were recent visitors of the Reedy Patch section.

Rev. Hardy Dotson of Hendersonville will preach at Mt. Home Sunday, January 22. Everybody is invited to come.

Miss Florida Williams visited her parents in Hendersonville Sunday.


Rev. N.A. Melton preached an interesting sermon to a large congregation at the Mills River Baptist Church last Sunday. He will return on Friday before the fourth Sunday to hold services on Friday and Saturday evenings in connection with the usual Sunday service.

Mr. Hall of the Big Ivey section has purchased the Mark Moore place, formerly owned by Mrs. Graham of Asheville, and has occupied same.

Edgar and George Whitaker attended singing at Averys Creek last Sunday, where, with their brother Fred of Lower Mills River and Will Rhodes of Arden, they rendered some special quartet selections.

Miss Lillian Owen is spending a week at Canton with Mr. and Mrs. H.V. Owen.

R.K. Whitaker has erected a small bungalow on the Holden place, to which he moved his family on January 9.

The following young people were the dinner guests of Miss Elizabeth Brittain last Sunday: Misses Bertha Crawford, Nellie and Bertha Holden, Lockwood Owen, Jim, Jerry and Spencer Crawford and Seaman Whitaker.

Lloyd and David Whitaker are at home from Pisgah Forest for a few days.

Miss Bertha Crawford entertained a number of friends with a “tacky party” at her home Wednesday night, January 4.

From page 2 of the Henderson News, January 20, 1922

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