
Friday, December 9, 2022

Oxendine and Bullock Deaths in Fairmont, Dec. 11, 1922


Fairmont, Dec. 11—While returning to his home last Wednesday a few miles south of Fairmont, Orange Oxendine, Indian, fell out of the wagon in which he was riding and was fatally injured. A small boy was riding in the rear of the wagon and stated that he knew no reason for the man falling as the road was smooth and the mule was not running. It is presumed that the unfortunate man suffered a stroke of apoplexy or paralysis, causing him to fall. When he was picked up, it was found that his neck had been broken by the wheels of the wagon running over his doubled up body.


Cecil Lee, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Bullock of Fairmont, Route 1, was found dead in its bed. Interment was made in the family cemetery.

From the New Bern Sun-Journal, Dec. 11, 1922

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