
Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Secretary of Navy Donating Buildings from Former Air Naval Station, Dec. 5, 1922

New Bern Gets Possession of Houses at Morehead City

New Bern will immediately proceed to move the buildings of the former air naval station at Morehead City as the result of a telegram from Secretary of the Navy Denby to Governor Morrison, which was relayed here this afternoon. The telegram read as follows:

“At the urgent request of Hon. Charles L. Abernethy, member of congress, in view of the emergency existing at New Bern, N.C., owning to fire that left a great number of citizens homeless and without shelter, the Navy Department in order to provide necessary relief agrees to sell to the City of New Bern for the nominal consideration of $1 its interests in the buildings pertaining to the former Air Naval Station at Morehead City, N.C., except those now being used for Naval or Coast Guard purposes. Appropriate instructions will be issued immediately to Naval authorities in charge.

Secretary of Navy”

From the front page of The New Bern Sun-Journal, Dec. 5, 1922

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