
Thursday, December 29, 2022

Weddings from the Salisbury Post, Dec. 28, 1922

The Realm of Woman. . . Club News. . . Phone 1374. . . Personals

Beautiful Wedding Solemnized

A wedding distinct in its simplicity and charm was that of Miss Bessie Brandt Brown and Mr. Emery B. Denny of Gastonia, which took place last evening at 8 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Brown on South Main street. Only relatives and close friends were present.

In the reception hall masses of evergreens with festoons of trailing smilax gave a pleasing effect. The ceremony was performed in the drawing room before a beautifully improvised altar of evergreens, white lilies and Southern smilax. White ribbons marked the sides, while tall cathedral tapers in graceful holders gleamed brightly in the background. Before the ceremony, Miss Margaret Ramsay sang beautifully DeKoven’s “O Promise Me,” accompanied by Miss Mildred McCubbins. The bridal party entered, followed by McDowell’s “To a Wild Rose” as the vows were spoken.

Miss Charlotte Brown, sister of the bride and her only attendant, was lovely in handsome black velvet, with bouquet of yellow Ward roses. Mr. Ernest Warren of Gastonia acted as best man. The bride, beautiful in a becoming gown of tangerine brocaded chiffon, fur trimmed, and carrying an exquisite bouquet of bride’s roses and valley lilies, was given in marriage by her father, Mr. J.M. Brown, the ring ceremony being impressively used by Dr. Byron Clark, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Brown entertained at an informal reception. Mrs. Brown was handsomely gowned in black all-over lace over silver cloth, with corsage of Parma violets. Assisting in receiving were Mrs. Hoyle Sink of Lexington, in a becoming gown of orange lace, and Miss Dansy Brown in black Canton crepe with orchid corsage.

In the dining room, where a color note of green and white was artistically observed, Misses Dorothy Yancey, Corinne Heilig and Virginia Goodman assisted in serving. Miss Yancey wore a lovely frock of all-over brown silk lace, Miss Goodman was dainty in peachblow taffeta, and Miss Heilig was lovely in white net. Delicious ice cream, cake and mints were served. The table had as a centerpiece an exquisite bowl of pink roses with white narcissus and asparagus fern, and was effectively lighted by unshaded white candles in silver holders. Shortly after the ceremony, the bride and groom left for a wedding trip to New York.

The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Brown of Salisbury, where she is widely known and beloved. She is a graduate of N.C.C.W. at Greensboro and is especially gifted and charming. For the past year and a half she has taught in the public schools of Gastonia.

Mr. Denny is the son of Mr. A.M. Denny of Winston-Salem. For some time he has made his home in Gastonia, where he is among the city’s most successful and popular young attorneys. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina and enjoys a wide popularity throughout the state.

On their return from New York, Mr. and Mrs. Denny will make their home in Gastonia.

Out-of-town guests present for the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Mangum, Miss Sue Ramsay Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Warren, all of Gastonia; Miss Pearle Denny of Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Johnson, Knox Johnson, Mrs. Katherine Formyalt, all of Mocksville; Mrs. E.B.C. Hambley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Montcastle, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoyle Sink of Lexington. Announcements reading as follows have been received:

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah M. Brown announce the marriage of their daughter

Bessie Brandt

To Mr. Emery Byrd Denny

On Wednesday, the twenty-seventh of December, 1922

Salisbury, North Carolina

At Home after Tenth of January

Armington Hotel, Gastonia, N.C.


Simpson-Kepley Announcement

A marriage of much interest to the friends of the contracting parties was made known this week when Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Page Simpson announced the marriage of their daughter, Mazie Lee, to Walter Robert Kepley, December 16. The ceremony was performed by the pastor of the couple, Rev. M.B. Woosley, at the Methodist parsonage and was witnessed by only a few friends and members of the family.

The bride is an attractive young lady and is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simpson who have lived here only a short while, their former home being Greensboro. By her charming manner and lovable ways the bride has won for herself many friends.

The groom is a young man of sterling qualities. He is prominently known in railroad circles, being connected with the Southern shops at Spencer.

The young couple will reside with the groom’s mother at 1123 South Main street.



On Dec. 23, 1922 at 7:30 o’clock Mr. Willie Turner and Miss Ollie Patterson of Landis were happily wedded at Lutheran Chapel parsonage, China Grove, N.C., Rev. C.A. Brown, pastor of the bride, officiating.

Both the bride and groom are splendid young people and their many friends wish for them a long and prosperous life.



Miss Ruth Ryan and Bryan Hartman, of this city, were united in marriage December 23 by Rev. C.A. Ryan, pastor of Stallings Memorial Baptist Church. The couple will continue to reside in this city.

From page 3 of the Salisbury Evening Post, Thursday, Dec. 28, 1922


China Grove Weddings

China Grove, Dec. Miss Lela Walton and Floyd Goodman of China Grove were married Monday evening at 2 o’clock by Rev. C.D. Fisher. Mrs. Goodman is one of the most charming young girls of the city. Mr. Goodman is the son of M.A. Goodman.

Dr. Mundy and Miss Gladys Pouncy were united in marriage Monday by Rev. Richardson, pastor of the China Grove Methodist church.

From page 7 of the Salisbury Evening Post, Thursday, Dec. 28, 1922

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