
Sunday, December 25, 2022

Who's Where for Christmas in Fayetteville, 1922

Will Spend Holidays in Raleigh and Durham

Miss Ida Revelise leaves today for Raleigh and Durham, where she will spend a few days. Miss Revelise will attend the holiday dances in both cities.


Here for Christmas

Miss Minnie Evans of the N.C.C.W. is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Evans.


Has Joined Mrs. Underwood and Children

George B. Underwood, General Agent of the Norfolk Southern Railroad, has arrived in the city to join Mrs. Underwood and children, who are spending Christmas with Mrs. John A. Pemberton.


Arrived for the Holidays

Herbert S. Jones, Norfolk-Southern Agent at Wilson, is here to spend Christmas with Mrs. Jones.


To Spend Christmas With Frank Patterson

Frank Patterson will have as his guest during the Christmas holidays Sam E. Howie of Charlotte.


Little Elizabeth MacKethan is Better

Many young friends of little Miss Elizabeth MacKethan, daughter of Mayor and Mrs. E.R. MacKethan, will be glad indeed to learn that she is much better after having been ill with an attack of influence, which she suffered last Tuesday.


Miss Barwick in Maryland

Miss Elizabeth Barwick, former Superintendent of Nurses at Pittman Hospital, has been in Baltimore, Md., for the past two weeks. Miss Barwick has severed her relations with the Pittman Hospital on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. C.E. Barwick, who will be pleasantly remembered by a host of friends here, where she resided for awhile.

Mrs. Barwick and Miss Barwick will leave Baltimore the latter part of this week for Florida, on account of the ill health of Mrs. Barwick.

It is with regret that Fayetteville gives Miss Barwick up. She was one of the most deservedly popular nurses in the city and numbered her friends by her acquaintances.


Spending Holidays in Morganton

Miss Virginia Sparks has gone to Morganton where she will spend the holidays with her parents. Miss Sparks is Secretary to W.B. Anderson, A.C.L. Freight Agent.


Will Spend Christmas at Home

Miss Isabelle Miller has gone to her home in Hartsville, S.C., to spend Christmas with relatives.


To Go to Rockingham on Tuesday

Misses Marcelle and Josephine Lyon expect to leave Tuesday to spend the remainder of the holidays in Rockingham with Mrs. A.D. McPhail.


To Spend Christmas at Manchester

Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Davis, Miss Amanda Kindley Davis and Grissom E. Davis Jr. leave today for Manchester to spend Christmas with Mr. Davis’ sister, Mrs. Murchison Fairley.


Left Thursday Night for Baltimore

Miss Nell Davis left Thursday night for Baltimore, where she will spend the holidays with Dr. and Mrs. Hoagland Davis.


Mr. Percival Slightly Improved

Friends will be glad to learn that E.W. Percival, who is a patient in the Highsmith Hospital, is slowly improving.


To Spend Holidays in Raleigh

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tuttle and children, Bert Jr. and Louise, left today for Raleigh, where they will spend the Christmas holidays with Mr. Tuttle’s brother.


To Spend Holidays at Jackson Springs

Mr. Nelson B. Jones leaves today for Jackson Springs, where he will spend the holidays with relatives.


Christmas Holidays to be Spent Here

Miss Allie Byrd Walker is here from Salem College, Winston-Salem, to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Walker on the Fort Bragg Road.


Home for the Holidays

S.H. McRae, James McRae and Charles B. McRae are spending the holidays with their mother, Mrs. S.H. McRae on Haymount.


Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dixon

Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Cooper of Mt. Olive are here to spend the holidays with Mrs. Cooper’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Dixon on Cool Spring street.


Little Virginia Mae Hawn Sick with Influenza

Friends in the city will regret to learn that little Virginia Mae Hawn is sick with influenza at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Walker on the Fort Bragg Road.


Home from Augusta Military Academy

Robert H. Williamson is here from Augusta Military Academy, Ft. Defiance, Va., to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Banks Williamson on Haymount.


Arrived Last Evening from Knoxville

Mr. and Mrs. John Albert Steele arrived last evening from Knoxville, Tenn., to spend the Christmas season with Mr. Steele’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Steele on Haymount.


Ralph and Harold Boozer Sick

Their many little friends will regret to learn that Masters Ralph and Harold Boozer are confined to their beds at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. G.W. Florence on Wilson Street.


All Annie K. Kyle Chapter Members Take Notice

All members of the Annie K. Kyle Children’s Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, who voted unanimously to remember the Old Ladies at the Confederate Home, are requested to leave their token at the home of their President, Miss Hallie Moore, Dick Street, Saturday. Or if this is impossible, theya re requested to carry same with them to the Home on Sunday afternoon. The youthful members of the Annie K. Kyle chapter, realizing that the true spirit of Christmas is to make someone else happy, took it upon themselves to remember the Old Ladies, and plans to this end were made.


Will Spend Christmas Here

Mrs. Thomas Briles of Rocky Mount is here to spend Christmas with Miss Margaret McMillan. Mr. Briles arrived last evening.


Spent Thursday in the City

Mrs. W.C. Vick of Wilmington spent Thursday in the city as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. D.L. Pridgen, Haymount.


Home From Hospital

Friends in the city of Mrs. B.F. Hooper will be glad to learn that she has sufficiently recovered from a severe attack of influenza to be able to return to her home on Cross Creek Street from the Pittman Hospital, where she has been a patient.

From the society page of The Fayetteville Observer, Dec. 24, 1922.

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