
Thursday, January 26, 2023

Call Us, Or Telegram Us, Says Iowa Radio Station, Jan. 26, 1923

On the Air

More worthwhile things were on the air during the week past that ever before. Truly Radio has ceased to be a toy and has taken its rightful place as an educational and entertaining factor.

W.O.C., the big station at Davenport, Iowa, has launched an innovation by placing a telegraph office in the studio that the public may commend the artists and their selections, request special numbers or encores right at the time of the performance. And surely a telegram is a small thing with which to express our appreciation when they are spending thousands of dollars for our entertainment.

And please, won’t you people with receiving stations telephone us Mondays about the things you have especially enjoyed during the week so that we may mention the “high spots.” I was very glad to hear the speeches the other night of many notables, including Sir Aukland Geddes.

--Bernard W. Leavitt (PARAGON)

“The Radio Central”

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