
Saturday, January 28, 2023

C.M. Steele Killed Auto Collides with Charlotte Train, Jan. 28, 1923

Auto Collides with Train in Charlotte

Charlotte, N.C., Jan. 28—C.M. Steele, 29, formerly of Lancaster, S.C., is dead, Mansel Shaver of Lancaster, S.C., is believed to be fatally injured, and J.J. Sapp of Lancaster is seriously injured as a result of a collision between an automobile and Southern train No. 38 at East Third street crossing here tonight.

The automobile is said to have been proceeding west on Third street when the accident occurred and was practically demolished, the men being hurled some distance from the tracks. Mr. Sapp was driving the car.

The three men were carried to the Mercy hospital, Steele surviving only a short while after being examined. Shaver sustained a fractured skull and broken hip, and Sapp was badly cut and bruised and it is believed injured about the back but not fatally.

From the Durham Morning Herald, Jan. 28, 1923

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