
Sunday, January 29, 2023

County Development Edition of The Robesonian, Jan. 29, 1923

County Development Edition

With this issue The Robesonian presents a Robeson County Development edition that is a modest attempt to tell something of the progress Robeson county is making along various lines, notably in education, road building, farm and home demonstration and health work, and to present to the outside world something of the wonderful advantages offered to the home-seeker of less favored sections.

The Robesonian believes in Robeson county and its people; it believes that there is no better county and that there are no better people on earth than this county of Robeson and it’s people; and it believes that the wonderful development of recent years is but an earnest of the development that will be seen during the next 10 years. Robeson county has for many years been among the leaders among counties in North Carolina in educational matters; it was among the first counties in the State to employ a whole-time health officer and home and farm demonstration agents, and in recent years it has entered whole-heartedly into the road-building spirit that permeates the State, now has good roads throughout its large territory, and is building good roads now faster than ever before.

Robeson county leads the counties of North Carolina in value of crops and is surpassed in the entire South by only one other county, which stands just one notch above Robeson; and it stands 17th among the 50 leading counties in the United States in this respect. There are no limits to the possibilities of development of a county like this.

It was at first intended to get out this edition must earlier, but unavoidable hindrances delayed work on it for more than two months.

Credit for whatever of merit may be found in this edition is due in large measure to Mr. Geo. C. Simms, special edition publisher of Norfolk, Va., 614 Clay avenue—in whose behalf it is only fair to say that a much more comprehensive edition could have been issued if his services had been secured when the edition was first launched—to those who contributed special articles and to the business men who gave loyal support to this enterprise.

From the editorial page of The Robesonian, Monday, Jan. 29, 1923

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