
Sunday, January 15, 2023

Editor Supports Shorter Political Campaigns, Jan. 15, 1923

Wanted: Shorter Campaigns

The widespread sentiment in the State for shorter political campaigns has found expression in a bill in the legislature, prepared jointly by Gaston of Cleveland and Erwin of Burke. It provides that the primaries shall be held in August instead of June. In the days of few railroads and fewer telegraph lines and no telephone lines and no rural delivery, it was necessary to nominate candidates in the early summer so they could reach the people before November. Now with better roads and quick communication the whole State can be reached in a day easier than it could be reached in a week when Vance or Jarvis ran for Governor. The necessity for long campaigns having ended, they should be shortened. This bill truly meets a long-felt want. There are other amendments to the primary law sorely needed, but there may be controversy as to some proposed provisions. Mr. Gaston and Mr. Erwin are therefore wise to let their clear bill which will meet favor by all the people be ratified without awaiting the other amendments.

From the editorial page of the Lincoln County News, Lincolnton, N.C., Monday, Jan. 15, 1923, John T. Perkins, Editor.

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