
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Father Dies on Banks Meddow's 36th Birthday; Other News from Indian Trail, Jan. 16, 1923

His Father Died on Meddow’s Birthday. . . Banks Was Celebrating Occasion, Too, When News of His Sudden Death Interrupted Festivities

Indian Trail Route 1, Jan. 15—Banks Meddows, colored, was celebrating his 36th birthday on old Christmas even when he received news of the death of his father, Bobbie Meddows. The poor fellow was heart-broken. While he was aware of his father’s illness, little did he dream that it was of a serious nature or, to use his expression, “he wouldn’t have been a carrin’ on, celebrating his birthday.” Bobbie, it is estimated, was 72 years old. He was well liked by both races.


Miss Ola Helms and Mr. Jay Helms, both of Goose Creek township, were married Sunday afternoon at the home of the officiating magistrate, Esq. H.M. Furr.

Mr. Henry Rowell has bought a truck and Mr. Lonnie Byrum has exchanged a mule and a two-seated surry for an automobile.

Rev. A.B. Haywood evidently put the cart before the horse in buying an automobile. Evidently, he is unable to drive his recent purchase, as it is always seen standing idle in his front yard.

Misses Rena, Hazel and Myrtle Furr and Bright Simpson are confined to their homes with measles.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Furr of Charlotte were the recent guests of friends and relatives of this community.

Mr. Clayton Williams was a recent business visitor in Charlotte.

When Mr. J.M. Pusser went to inspect his steel traps the other day he found the jaws of one of them clamped tight around a 15-pound “cooter.” That was its weight after being killed and dressed, too.

Your correspondent was 49 years old on Friday, Jan. 12. He has been writing for the papers for 35 years.

From page 2 of The Monroe Journal, Jan. 16, 1923

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