
Saturday, January 14, 2023

Few Clues in Killing of Harvey Case Near Hendersonville, Jan. 14, 1923

Killing of Case Deep Mystery. . . Police Entirely Without Clues in Hendersonville Death

By the Associated Press

Hendersonville, N.C., Jan. 13—Without a single clue that would lead to the arrest of his unknown assailants, Harvey Case, who was killed near here Thursday night, was buried this morning and police officials are baffled as to the next step in an effort to bring the parties to justice.

The prevailing theory is that Case was killed by highwaymen who are believed to have used knives and a club or some other heavy instrument.

The only new feature of the day was the statement by a man who alleges he heard a noise and shots and a red light in the vicinity where the body was found, leading to the belief that a red lantern was carried by the assailants of Case.

From the front page of the Durham Morning Herald, January 14, 1922

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