
Sunday, January 8, 2023

Happenings in Our Neighboring Villages: Nos. 7 & 9 Township, Georgeville, Locust, Gibson Mill, Mission, Harrisburg Rt. 3, Roberta, Flowe's Store, Concord Rt. 3, Jan. 8, 1923

Happenings in Our Neighboring Villages


Mr. John Turner is real sick at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J.M. Kluttz.

Mrs. Margaret Luke has returned to Concord after spending a week with home folks.




All the young people who spent the holidays with their parents have returned to the various schools to resume their studies.

On last Tuesday evening a spelling match was held at Georgeville school. The pupils together with friends spelled for several hours. Much fun was manifested. The prize was won by Mr. C.M. Dayvault of Concord. The occasion as a whole was enjoyed by all present. We hope they will have some more spelling matches.

Messrs. Travis and Loy Dry of Norwood spent several days here last week with their sister, Mrs. J.F. Eudy.

Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Dayvault and little son, of Concord, spent several days with Mrs. Dayvault’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Shinn.

Miss Elma Eudy left Monday morning for Charlotte where she will enter King’s Business College.

Dr. and Mrs. J.R. Jerome and daughter, of Wingate, spent last Tuesday with relatives here.

Mrs. John S. Turner, who has been sick for several weeks at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J.M. Kluttz, is improving, we are glad to say.

Mr. L.O. Barrier spent Tuesday in Concord on business.




Mr. N.J. Carter and son, Reece, have gone to Raleigh on business.

School opened Monday after one week of vacation. Miss Zachary returned Sunday from her home in Albemarle.

Adrian Simpson gave an elaborate opossum dinner to a number of his friends at Christmas.

Miss Fronie Rhinehardt returned Sunday from Cabarrus county where she had been with relatives who were sick from flu.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Teeter have moved to Oakboro.

Mrs. Z.B. Early and children have returned to Concord after spending several weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Hartsell.

Glenn Turner, who arrived Christmas day from Akron, Oho, left Friday to return via Birmingham, Ala., where he will visit a short while with his pal.

Mr. A.J. Furr has purchased the building occupied by Baxter Hagler and will annex it to his store for a warehouse.

Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Hagler of Union county spent Friday here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Honeycutt.

Mr. Arthur Whitley, who has just moved from this section to Kannapolis, was married Tuesday night in South Carolina to Miss Blondelle Page of the Red Cross section. They were accompanied from here by Mr. T.W. Bass. Mr. Bass stated that this was the 33rd couple from this state married by that officer in a very short time, and a large percent was from this county.

We inadvertently omitted last week two marriages which took place here on Sunday. While Rev. kC.C. Honeycutt, at his home, was tying the matrimonial knot which made Mr. Stafford Brooks, whose home is near Smith’s Ford, and Miss Lela, the pretty daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V.L. Mills, one, Esq. R.W. Simpson was also united at his home Mr. H.L. Tucker and Miss Puah Dry of the Oak Grove section.

Master Clyde Honeycutt, son of Rev. and Mrs. C.C. Honeycutt, accidentally had his right arm broken Monday morning as he was cranking their automobile. Both bones of his right arm were broken and also dislocated at the elbow. He was rushed to Concord where the wound was attended by Dr. Bangle.




Mr. J.L. Fry, who underwent an operation at the Concord Hospital about 12 days ago, is slowly improving.

Miss Evelyn Griffin left Monday for Charlotte.

Mrs. Cally Skidmore of Charlotte is spending several days here with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Little and two children, Fannie and Oscar, of Stanfield, spent Saturday and Sunday here with Mrs. Little’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Little.

Mr. Edgar Skidmore left Friday for Washington, D.C., after spending a week visiting his mother, Mrs. Rena Skidmore.

Mrs. S.M. Barr, who has been seriously ill of pneumonia at her home on Gibson street, is slowly improving.

Miss Helen Cook of Fort Mills, S.C., is spending several days here visiting relatives.

Miss Cora Lee Fry of Charlotte is spending some time here, having been called here by the illness of her father, Mr. J.L. Fry.

Mr. G.W. Watts has moved his family to the country home, where he will be superintendent for the following term. Mr. Towell, the former superintendent, has purchased the house on Allison street owned by Mr. D.M. Walker, and will move his family there as soon as the house is vacated.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Williams of Rockingham spent several days of last week here with Mrs. Rena Skidmore.

Mrs. Ruth Julian and little daughter, of Brookford, are spending several weeks here visiting her father, Mr. Robert Stirewalt.

Mrs. T.W. Allen of Allen is spending some time here at the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. S.M. Barry.

Mr. and Mrs. James Cranfill returned Friday to their home in Danville, Va., after a visit of several days here to the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beuford Cranfill.

Rev. B.F. Fincher, pastor of the Kerr Street Methodist Church, has been quite ill at his home on Kerr street.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Luther Jones, a son, on January 1st, 1923.

Miss Lorena and Master Lloyd Johnson of Charlotte spent last week here visiting relatives.

Mrs. Floyd Hinson has returned to her home in Rock Hill, after spending several days with relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Little of Gastonia spent last week here visiting relatives.

Master Morris Overcash, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.T. Overcash, is ill at their home on Harris street.

Messrs. Roy Lefler and Jack Thompson of Cooleemee are spending the week with friends and relatives here.

Miss Lydia Hamilton returned Sunday from Lexington where she spent several days visiting Miss Lena Hedrick.

Miss Rosa Skidmore returned Sunday to her home in Charlotte, after spending several days here with relatives and friends.



School began at Dry’s Monday after the students had enjoyed a week’s vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. J.Y. Honeycutt and granddaughter, Inez, spent a few days in Charlotte last week, visiting Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Tomphinson.

Mr. and Mrs. Grady Dry and daughter are spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dry.

Miss Ethel Barrier delightfully entertained a number of friends at a pound party last Saturday night. Thoe present were Misses Emily Blackwelder, Nellie Lipe, Louise Hodge and Messrs. Carl Lentz, Herman Nelson, Ben Honeycutt and Bob Heintz.

Messrs. Ralph Cline, Hoy and Ray Barringer returned to M.P.C.I. on Tuesday, after spending the holidays with home folks.

Miss Louise Hodge went to Gold Hill Sunday, where she will teach in the High School the remainder of the session. One member of the faculty was married during the holidays.

Mrs. W.G. Honeycutt is spending several weeks in Salisbury with her daughters, Mrs. Marcus Miller and Mrs. Phillip Russell.

Mr. and Mrs. Wade Dry spent Sunday visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Melchor.

Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Honeycutt spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Honeycutt.

Misses Kate Hammill, Doris Isenhour, Ruby Lentz and Ola Cline returned to M.A.S. Wednesday after spending the holidays with home folks.

Miss Violet Honeycutt spent Tuesday visiting Miss Ruby Lentz.

Mr. George Melchor is working at Granite Quarry.

There is an epidemic of flu in this community at this writing.

--Oiseau Rouge



Mrs. Adam Almond, who has been very sick for some time, is not improving very fast.

Miss Ethel Clayton spent some of the holidays in Concord with relatives and friends.

Mr. Eli Herrin, aged 85 years, is well and able to drive about with a horse and buggy. Last Thursday he drove from his home three miles to Mission store and did some trading.

Miss Minnie Herrin of Meredith College, Raleigh, is spending the holidays at home.

Mr. Colnard, agricultural teacher at the Oakboro High School, and Miss Gillie Bell James of Oakboro, spent a few hours Sunday afternoon with Miss Ethel Clayton. Mr. Jim Furr has been spending most of the holidays at Mr. George Almond’s.

On last Sunday, December 31st, Mr. M.R. Crayton was given a surprise birthday party by his brothers, Messrs. H.D. and J.M. Crayton. Most of his children and a number of his friends also gathered to help celebrate his 55th birthday. The dinner was enjoyed by everyone present.

--Mission Girl



Mr. Willie Oehler gave a dance at his home one night last week. A large crowd was present.

Mrs. Hall and Miss Myrtle Holland visiting Mrs. Carrie Bingham last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Matthews of Weddington have returned home after spending a few days with her sister, Miss Bertha Beard.

Mr. Fred Alexander and Miss Dossie Gray were married during the holidays.

A large crowd attended the shooting match at Mr. Vester McLaughlin’s store on Christmas Day.

Mr. Frank Oehler of Okithamo is visiting his brother, Mr. Martin Oehler.

Mr. and Mrs. Abernethy spent one day last week with Mrs. John Bingham.

Mr. and Mrs. Stewart of Kannapolis visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Harkey last Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Batt Hunter spent one day last week with Mrs. Alice Ewart.



Our school is progressing nicely with Mr. M.L. Dorton as principal, Mr. Ralph Penninger and Misses Ula Williams, Daisy Schor and Mrs., Cordell Herin as assistants.

Rev. J.T. Sisk conducted the devotional exercises at the school New Year’s morning.

Mr. Fred Love preached for the Roberta congregation Saturday night. Mr. Fred Furr preached Sunday morning and Sunday night we had two services Sunday night. Mr. John Simpson preached also. These young men did well for the first time at their home church.

Mrs. Lucy Matley has gone to the hospital in Charlotte for the removal of her tonsils.

Mr. M.L. Dorton has purchased a Ford coupe.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Blackwelder, a daughter, Ruby Geneva.

We had a “watch service” at the Roberta Church Sunday night. There were 22 present to see the old year out and the new year come in. Everyone present breathed a couple sentences of prayer.




The school at Flowe’s is progressing nicely with Miss Pattie Johnston as teacher.

We are having a lot of sickness in our neighborhood.

Mr. Sam Wallace and family are all confined on account of flu.

Mr. W.M. Flowe, who has been sick with the flu, is able to get up


Mr. Worthy of Chester, S.C., is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Claud Bostic.

Mr. and Mrs. Claud Bangle and little daughter, of Wisconsin, are visiting Mrs. Bangle’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Bain in Charlotte.

Mr. S.A. Helms will soon move his family to their new home near Charlotte.

Mr. and Mrs. George Bain of Charlotte and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Bangle of Wisconsin spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Barr.

Mr. Earl Christenbury of Charlotte spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Christenbury.

Mrs. Lum Johnston died December 23, 1922, and was buried in Robinson on Sunday, December 24th. She is survived by her husband and four children.




Mr. Maury Sapp of Detroit, Mich., is vising his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Sapp.

Messrs. Lee and Ernest Haynes have purchased a Ford.

Misses Sadie and Hilda Cooke and “Billie” Sapp spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Myrtle Ellis.

Messrs. Ernest Haynes, Charlie P. and Dudley Sapp spent Sunday in Charlotte.

Mrs. J.M. Downum is on the sick list.

Messrs. David and George Ritchie of Blackstone, Va., are visiting relatives and friends on Routes 3 and 4.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wensil spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Walter.

Mr. Hebar Talbirt spent last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P.M. Sides.

Miss Fannie Goodman visited Mrs. P.D. Blackwelder Sunday.


From the front page of The Concord Daily Tribune, Jan. 8, 1923. Oiseau Rouge means red bird.

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