
Thursday, January 12, 2023

Hertford County Roads Are Bad and Will Continue to Be Bad, Jan. 12, 1923

Commissioner Hart Forgets a Promise

Don’t fool yourselves, dear folks of Hertford County!

There will be no asphalt or hard-surfaced roads of any kind built in this county by the State Highway Commission. All promises heretofore made by First District Commissioner Hart about a hard road from Aulander to Winton, through Ahoskie, have gone up in smoke. He has fallen down flatly. And, that, too, right on top of the fact that he has not yet made any visible motion of doing anything about building a bridge across Chowan River at Winton—another grand and glorious undertaking of which there was much talk back when Hertford County was talking about issuing bonds for the county roads.

The Associated Press has announced that a contract will be let by the State Highway Commission on the 1st day of February, for 16.8 miles of soil road from Aulander to Winton, the last piece of state controlled road in the county. According to this story coming out of Raleigh, Hertford County will not even get a sand clay, or gravel road. It is just a plain soil road, the like of which folks in this county cannot use during the winter months.

Over in Bertie, Windsor to Aulander, the road will be graded only.

The Chamber of Commerce of Ahoskie is planning to send a delegation before the Commission in an effort to secure a better road for this route.

From the front page of the Hertford County Herald, Ahoskie, N.C., Jan. 12, 1923


Polling Roads

Continual rains and inability to do any road building for several weeks have served to put the county roads in very bad condition. Not only are the county roads almost impassable, but the state highway from Ahoskie to Winton is in no better shape. Several bad places in the roads have been “polled” within the past two or three weeks, in order to allow the Fords to go. Other cars hover closely in the garages.

From the front page of the Hertford County Herald, Ahoskie, N.C., Jan. 12, 1923

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