
Thursday, January 19, 2023

Home Bureau Wants All Cows Tested for TB, Jan. 19, 1923

Meeting of Home Bureau

On Saturday, January 13, the Home Bureau of Rockingham county met at the office of Mrs. Ethel W. Moore in Reidsville. The hours from 10 to 12 a.m. were given over to a discussion of the coming year’s work and planning a program for the clubs of the county, to the possibility of immediately putting on a campaign to have the cows of the county given the tuberculosis test by state and federal aid.

Dairies and cattle owners selling milk in town are required to have cows given this test. If impure milk is bad for city children why not equally for country children? After the business meeting all enjoyed the bountiful lunch and a very pleasant social hour together.

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, January 19, 1923

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