
Monday, January 30, 2023

Hotel Lorraine in Lumberton Offers Rooms with Private Bath and Shower, Fine Dining Room, Jan. 29, 1923

The Hotel Lorraine. . . Modern American Plan Hotel Has 45 Rooms, 30 of Which Have Private Bath and Shower; Splendid Cuisine and Fine Dining Room Service

Combining the comforts of home with the conveniences and service of the most modern of hotels, the Hotel Lorraine at Lumberton is spoken of in highest terms by commercial travelers and others who have had occasion to spend some time in Lumberton as guests of this hostelry.

Even before one reaches Lumberton he has heard much of its leading hotel and he knows just where he wants to stay while in the town. While the Lorraine makes its motto “Always at Your Service” there are times when it is filled up and some visitors must necessarily be disappointed. But there is never disappointment for those who are able to reach Lumberton at such times that accommodation can be held at the Lorraine. In fact many guests to be safe write or telegram for reservations at this hotel as far in advance as possible. They have found this the safest and surest way to be able to stop at the Lorraine.

The popularity of this hotel is due primarily to the excellent service that is given in every department. The rooms are large, light, airy, well heated and ventilated, and they have that homey atmosphere so much to be desired. There are 30 rooms with private bath and shower out of the 45 rooms that the hotel possesses. The dining room and elevator services are excellent, all employes courteous and attentive and no reasonable want of any patron is allowed to go unfilled. The cuisine is characterized with the savor of the old South and the meals served in the dining room are very popular.

The Hotel Lorraine is managed by Mr. E.W. Durham, a hotel man of large experience, having been in connection with the hotel business since boyhood. He is a popular man and numbers friends by thousands among travelers and among the people of Lumberton, Robeson county and adjacent territory. He came here from Winston-Salem three years ago. Mr. A.E. White is president of the owning company.

The Hotel Lorraine was established in 1916.

The hotel is finely furnished throughout and in every detail is as complete as any modern large city hotel. The dining room is a most attractive one and the service given therein is maintained by four white waitresses. The sanitary equipment of the Hotel Lorraine is one of the points upon which the management prides itself.

From page 11 of The Robesonian, Lumberton, N.C., January 29, 1923

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