
Wednesday, January 18, 2023

J.C. Mayo Bringing New Goods from Southern Furniture Exposition, Jan. 18, 1923

Returns From Furniture Exposition

Mr. J.C. Mayo, the courteous and hustling manager of the Gulley Furniture Company of Nashville, has returned from High Point, where he spent several days in attendance upon the Southern Furniture Exposition and brings back glowing reports of the event. While on the market Mr. Mayo made large purchases of various kinds of furniture, which embraces parlor suits, bedroom suits, dining room, library and kitchen equipment and he expects a large shipment of these goods at his place of business within the next few days. The Gulley Furniture Company at all times carries an exceptionally fine lot of house furnishings, and the new additions to be made during the next few days should cause prospective furniture buyers to call and look over the display.

From the front page of The Graphic, Nashville, N.C., Jan. 18, 1923

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