
Wednesday, January 11, 2023

J.W. Smoot Finishing Up Rich Square's New School Building, Jan. 11, 1923

The School Building

Work on Rich Square’s new school building is progressing in a satisfactory manner, in fact there has been no time since the last contract was let when the contractor, J.W. Smoot, has not done everything within reason to push the work. Heat was turned on several days ago.

The stairways are near enough to complete so that they can be used by those who wish to inspect the building. We have not learned who wish to furnish the teachers’ rest rooms, the superintendent’s office and the library. It is time that the furnishings are ordered.

Plans are on foot to hold a thanksgiving service in the building when it is completed. It is desired that as many of the students who have gone out into the world from this school attend as possible. It is hoped to have a large number of former teachers present on this occasion. Let it be an occasion for strengthening old ties of friendship and good will.

From the front page of The Roanoke-Chowan Times, Rich Square, N.C., January 11, 1923

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