
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Kiwanis Club Forms Band Under Direction of R.D. McCurry, Jan. 31, 1923

Kiwanis Club to Organize Band as Civic Feature. . . R.D. McCurry, Experienced Bandmaster, Is Chosen as Director

The Asheville Kiwanis Club Band, now being formed, promises to be one of the outstanding musical organizations of this section, composed of business and professional men interested in furnishing music for civic purposes and will be a valuable addition to the city, it was stated last night by Robert D. McCurry, experienced bandmaster, who will direct the new organization.

Merrill P. Galliher will be business manager of the band and states that the interest shown in the organization meeting, which was held at Falk’s Music Store last night, gives promise of the band becoming one of the finest club bands in the South, several having been formed in various cities.

The initial practice will be held at the Y.M.C.A. Tuesday night, from 7:30 to 9:30 o’clock, which has been designated as the regular rehearsal night.

For the present the band will be composed of 12 members, with the appropriate uniforms, as follows: R.D. McCurry, cornet; M.M. Leonard, cornet; Dr. W.H. Scruggs, baritone; David E. Bennett, alto; J.T. Henry, alto; Albert P. McGraw, saxophone; Allen Riddick, saxophone; Dr. W.J. Hunnicutt, basso; Robert Moody, trombone; Seth J. Perkinson, snare drum; J.V. Martin, bass drum and Henry E. Gruver, cymbals.

Albert P. McGraw will serve as secretary and treasurer of the band.

Director McCurry is confident that the band will be ready for the first formal appearance during the International Convention of Kiwanis Clubs, to be held in Atlanta, during the month of June, and the Tar Heel band will be one of the features and will vie with the band of the Greensboro Kiwanis Club for State honors.

From page 2 of the Asheville Citizen, January 31, 1923

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