
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Local News Includes Deaths of Ben Belton, Mrs. William Brannock, Mrs. Marie Hopkins, Mrs. George Suits, Jan. 24, 1923

Local News

J.C. Huffines is at his store again after a three weeks’ illness with flu.

Attorney D.F. Mayberry is confined to his room on account of a store throat.

Agent Springs of Southeastern Express Co., has secured extensions of delivery of express to take effect February 1st on Silver street and Redd street.

Congressman Stedman has sent The Review a quantity of garden seed for distribution. Those desiring a package may get the same by calling at The Review office.

Ben Belton, a deaf and dumb inmate at the county home, died Sunday night, aged 75 years. He ha been at the county home for more than half a century.

The Parent-Teacher Association of the Franklin Street school will hold its January meeting Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock. A good attendance is desired. Please come.

There will be preaching at Thompsonville Baptist church Sunday night, January 28th, at 7 o’clock by Rev. R.W. Prevost, the pastor. Everybody cordially invited to attend.

All members of the Tobacco Growers’ Cooperative Association of Calvary school district are urgently requested to meet at Calvary school house Jan. 27, at 2 o’clock, by P.E. Wilson, president.

Come out and get some good home cooking at the C.&A. Hall Saturday night. You will enjoy yourself and help the Parent-Teacher Association get books for the school library. If you can’t come, buy a ticket and give it to one of your friends.

Did you ever hear of a chicken pie dinner? You will have an opportunity to go to one in the near future. The ladies of the M.P. church will serve a chicken pie dinner in the C.&A. Hall some time in February. Watch the paper to see the time.

This section was wrapped in a mantle of sleet and snow last night and today, when the wintry blast brought the biggest snow we have experienced this winter. The snow interfered slightly with telephone and electric service, but no serious damage has been reported.

Mrs. William Brannock died at her home near Lenox Castle Saturday morning, aged 76 years. She is survived by three sons, Richard, William and Lester Brannock, and one daughter, Mrs. Somers. Funeral services were conducted by Elders Stanfield and McKinney Sunday afternoon at Pleasant Grove church and interment followed at the church cemetery. The pall bearers were Sid Burton, Silas McKinney, Felix Combs, J.E. Garrett, J.O. Citty and Capias Waynick.

Mrs. Marie Hopkins, 29 years of age, died Friday night at her home near Brown Summit. Death was ascribed to pneumonia. She leaves her husband, R.H. Hopkins; a daughter, Edith Frances Hopkins; a brother, William B. Moore Jr., and her parents, Dr. and Mrs. William B. Moore of Brown Summit. The funeral was held at Friendship church Sunday afternoon, interment following in the church cemetery. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J.P. Burke of Reidsville and Rev. Mr. Lowdermilk of Monticello.

An oyster supper will be given by the Lawsonville Avenue Parent-Teacher Association at the C.& A. Hall Saturday night from 5 till 9 p.m. Oyster stew, fried oysters, hot rolls, crackers, pickles, coffee, orange ice and candy will be served. You are invited to be present.

Mrs. George Suits died at her home near Smyrna church Saturday afternoon, aged 84 years. She is survived by her husband and several grown children. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. E.G. Lowdermilk on Sunday afternoon at New Lebanon church, and burial followed at the church cemetery.

From page 5 of the Reidsville Review, Jan. 24, 1923

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