
Saturday, January 7, 2023

Major Stedman Wants Memorial Erected to "Colored Mammies," Jan. 7, 1923

Major Stedman Wants a Memorial Erected to Colored “Mammies”

Washington, Jan. 6—The government of the United States was asked today to pay a belated tribute to the “faithful colored mammies of the South” by providing a site in the national capital for a monument in their memory.

Representative Stedman, Democrat, North Carolina, the only Confederate veteran in the House, proposed a bill that Congress grant permission to the Jefferson Davis Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, for erection as a gift to the people of the country of the monument on public ground here.

The old colored mammy, enshrined in the hearts of a multitude she led through the turbulent and drying period of childhood (lines obscured) . . . . testifying to her faithful service generations ago.

From the front page of the Raleigh News & Observer, Sunday, January 7, 1923. The memorial was never built.

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