
Sunday, January 15, 2023

Martha Harper, 24, Ends Her Life With a Gun, Jan. 11, 1923

Miss Martha Harper Ends Life with Gun

Charlotte, Jan. 11—Miss Martha Harper, aged 24, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Harper, one of Charlotte’s prettiest and most beloved girls, committed suicide this afternoon at 3 o’clock at the home of her parents on East avenue, by shooting herself through the head, the bullet penetrating the brain. Death was instantaneous.

Miss Harper was 24 years old, a brunette of striking beauty, and of many accomplishments. She had been suffering with ear trouble, also indigestion. She had been out all forenoon in her car, apparently perfectly normal. Suddenly at dinner table she became very quiet, arose from the table and went up stairs. In a few minutes a pistol shot was heard. Mr. Harper ran up stairs. He found his daughter on the floor dead. The pistol was by her side.

From the front page of the Lincoln County News, Lincolnton, N.C., Monday, Jan. 15, 1923. Yes, the newspaper spelled upstairs as up stairs.

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