
Saturday, January 28, 2023

Miss Blanche Bullock, 18-Year-Old School Teacher, James Hursey, Charlie Thompson Killed, Jan. 28, 1923

Creedmoor Man Killed Saturday. . . Charlie Thompson Called to Door and Shot as He Steps Into Yard

Oxford, Jan. 28—Charlie Thompson, Creedmoor, was called from his home Saturday evening about 9 o’clock and shot dead by an unidentified person, making a total of three tragic deaths in Granville county Saturday. Thompson’s death followed closely the shooting of Miss Blanche Bullock, 18-year-old school teacher about 4 o’clock in the afternoon by James B. Hursey, said to have been a rejected suitor of the young woman, who in turn killed himself.

Sheriff Hunt and Coroner Bryant of Granville county were summoned to the Thompson home Saturday night, just after they investigated the Bullock-Hursey shooting, where they found the body of the slain man in such a position as to give rise to the belief that he weas called form his home and shot as he stepped off the porch. Mrs. Thompson and her three children were not at home when the shooting occurred and as far as authorities can learn there were no eyewitnesses to the affair.

The character of the two shootings is said to be unparalleled in Granville, the mystery of the second shooting made deeper by the fact that the authorities are unable to locate a definite clue as to the identity of the murderer. However, the sheriff and his deputies are making strenuous efforts on the case.

From the Durham Morning Herald, Jan. 28, 1923

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