
Thursday, January 26, 2023

New England-Southern Pines Association Mid-Winter Meeting, Jan. 26, 1923

N.E.—S.P. Association Meets at the Southland

The Annual Mid-Winter meeting of the New England-Southern Pines Association which took place at the Southland last Friday evening, brought together 174 people of New England origin who met together for a genuinely sociable evening. The weather was clear and balmy, a decided contrast to a January night in New England. The hospitable Southland never looked more inviting, and the throng of people in the spacious, brilliantly lighted rooms made a striking picture. As the guests were assembling the Southland Orchestra played several numbers. President Betterly, in his most gracious and entertaining manner, presided and the annual election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: President, Hugh J. Betterly; Vice-President, H.A. Lewis; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Mary Richardson. The following Executive Board was also elected: Maine, E.E. Sawtell; New Hampshire, H.A. Lewis; Vermont, E.W. Merrill; Massachusetts, Mrs. D.H. Turner; Rhode Island, Joseph F. Morris; Connecticut, Mrs. E.C. Loomis; Southern Pines, Mrs. L.W. Perkins.

President Betterley called on Mayor Richardson and Hon. Robert N. Page, and both gentlemen responded in their usual entertaining manner. Then followed a short musical program including songs by Miss Gladys Going and John Bloxham and an artistic Spanish Dance by Miss Ramona Shear. The refreshments were then served in a most hospitable manner by the Southland Management. At the close of the evening an hour of dancing was enjoyed by the younger set with the Southland Orchestra furnishing the music. The officers of the Association personally thanks Mr. F.G. Sanborn for the hospitality tendered the N.E.-S.P. Association by the Southland, realizing that it had much to do in promoting that spirit of sociability that was in evidence throughout the entire evening.

The association is planning to hold a sociable evening in February, March and April in addition to the usual banquet and picnic.

The N.E.-S.P. Association has proved to be a splendid medium to promote sociability among our winter residents. New members are cordially welcomed into the association and the membership is unlimited.

From the front page of The Sandhill Citizen, Southern Pines, N.C., Jan. 26, 1923

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