
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

News from Mill Spring, Route 1, Jan. 25, 1923

Mill Spring, Route 1

(Intended for last week.)

There were no services at Lebanon last Sunday on account of so much sickness in the community.

Miss Doris Edwards has been very sick for some days with “flu” but is some better at this writing.

Mrs. D.J. Burnett spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. A.A. Edwards.

A.A. Edwards made a business trip to Columbus last Wednesday.

Miss Chressie Burnett left for Hillcrest Monday where she will enter school.

Miss Mildred Womack has returned to school at Hillcrest after spending several days at home.

Robert Whiteside of Uree, spent Sunday at the home of A.A. Edwards.

Mark Laughter from near Spicers Cove moved his family to the G.O. Womack’s place last week.

Mrs. H.M. Whiteside was a caller at D.J. Bunnett’s Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Whiteside and son Lawrence, also Miss Lizzie Dalton of Rock Spring, were callers at W.E. Elliott’s Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Edwards spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.E. Williams on Route 2.

Mr. Sam Owenby and Miss Hattie Hawkins were happily married on last Thursday at the home of the bride near Rutherfordton. We wish for them a long, happy life.

From the front page of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., Jan. 25, 1923

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