
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Spray, N.C., Man Held for Attempted Attack in Stuart, Va., Jan. 24, 1923

Man Held on Serious Charge

Stuart, Va., Jan. 20—Oden Hylton, who is said also to have gone under the name of “Harris” and who hails from Spray, N.C., is in jail here charged with a heinous offense. He is alleged to have attempted an attack on Mrs. Frank Griffin, of near Woolwine, when she was alone. Mrs. Griffith, it is said, succeeded in driving off her alleged assailant by diligent use of a shovel. A warrant was sworn out for the man at once and he was arrested at Elamsville. He is being held for the grand jury.

From page 3 of The Reidsville Review, Jan. 24, 1923

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