
Sunday, January 29, 2023

The Robesonian Supports Bill to Enable Needy Mothers to Keep Children Out of Orphanages, Jan. 29, 1923

One of the meritorious bills that has been introduced in the General Assembly, one that should, and no doubt will, pass, is the bill to enable needy mothers to keep at home children deprived of the support of their father. The orphanages have more than they can do to care for the children who have no home sin which they can stay, and even if there were enough orphanage accommodations to take care of all t he children who apply for admission, it is better for the child to be kept with its mother when proper provision for its support can be made. Often homes are broken up when women are deprived of the support of their husbands, when under the provisions of this bill the mother would receive enough financial assistance to enable her to maintain her home and support herself and her children.

From the editorial page of The Robesonian, Monday, Jan. 29, 1923

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